The FMT-collection can be characterized as unique due to its thematic diversity and in-depth content indexing of more than 74,000 text documents and 8,000 pictures (photos, leaflets, posters etc.).
The main emphasis of the collection is put on documents which focus on the idea of gender equality: from the so-called „radicals“ of the historical women’s movement (from the middle of the 19th century until 1933) to the younger "radicals", the anti-biologist universalists of the new women’s movement in Germany (from the 1970ies onwards). In addition, the FMT secures traces of female pioneers and role models in every branch of society and culture.
New Books
Library Collection: 15,280 Books and 35,330 indexed Articles
More than two thirds of the collection are non-fictional books ranging from the essential feminist classics, feminist theorists to conference collections on current issues.
Grey Literature
So-called grey literature makes an important source of information (unpublished academic writings, reports, brochures)
Reference Books
Numerous sourcebooks, encyclopaedias, editions, bibliographies, guides and statistics are indicated by special shelf marks and provide instant access to feminist knowledge.
Art Books
There are more than 1,500 books and exhibition catalogues on art, film, photography, architecture, and design.
We also collect literary works which are either relevant from a feminist point of view or of extraordinary literary quality. Among those are classics by e.g. Virginia Woolf and Elfriede Jelinek.
There are about 2,600 (auto)biographies on female scientists, politicians, activists, artists, sportswomen and other role models.
Sources for Research: Archived Press Clippings (ca. 1968-1994)
Feminist Press: about 29.150 Issues (990 Magazines)
Archival Collections

Buttons, Posters, Flyers & Leaflets

Archives and Ego-Documents

Bibliographic Data and Subject Indexing
The quality of the FMT documentation is based, among other things, on the standardized metadata. The basis for this is - in addition to the standardized rules in library and archive databases - the continuously updated, first German-language feminist thesaurus developed by the FMT in 1994.
Library Network
The FMT was the first German feminist archive to become a member of a library network. Since 2009, FMT cooperates with the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre and takes part in the Inter Library Loan System by providing metadata on the library collections that are integrated into the hbz-search engine and research portal (DigiBib).
Since June 2016, the project "Digital German Women's Archive (DDF)" has been funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; the FMT also takes part in the development of this portal.