Discover: Catalogues & Finding Aids
What We Offer:
- a library and archive catalogue with approximately 60,000 references
- a visual archive with approx. 8,000 digitized photos, leaflets and posters
- a curated feminist link list (DigiLink)
- digital access to the feminist magazine EMMA (323 editions so far) starting 1977
- access to the META-catalogue of the german i.d.a.-network and DigiBib-search portal
Please Note: Database interfaces and contents are in German.

Library and Archive Catalogue
Visual Archive
Feminist Link List
EMMA Digital Archive
META - search engine that browses the catalogues of 40 lesbian/women's libraries, archives and documentation centers in Germany, Austria and Italy, provided by i.d.a., the umbrella organization of these institutions.
Search engine for library catalogues and databases worldwide
How can I get it?

Library Use
Visiting our reference library is the easiest and probably most rewarding way of using the collection, because the place itself is a historic site.

Interlibrary Loan
If your local library takes part in the hbz-ILL-system, you just need a valid library ID to place an order.

Document Delivery
Did you find an interesting article in our database? Photocopies can be ordered and sent by post. => contact us