Who We Are

Managing Board

FMT Managing Board

Alice Schwarzer 


The publicist und editor of EMMA is founder (1983) and chairwoman of the FMT. > Website


Prof. Dr. Barbara Schock-Werner

(Vice Chair)

The architect and former master builder of the Cologne Cathedral has been part of the managing board since 2014. > mehr


Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka

The mathematician and former Federal Minister of Education and Research was previously a member of the FMT Advisory Board. > mehr

Advisory Board

Dr. Anne-Laure Briatte

Historian, Lecturer at Sorbonne, Paris.


Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring 

Professor of Philosophy at the TU Darmstadt. >Website


Dr. Sandra Kostner

Historian at the PH Schwäbisch-Gmünd. >Website


Prof. Dr. Michaela Krützen 

Professor of Media Sciences at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, Munich. >Website


Chantal Louis

Journalist and political scientist, editor at EMMA magazine. >More



Margitta Hösel



Debora Stickl

Library Management


Berit Schallner

Academic Management


Katja Thieler




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