
Women's Lib: Debates and Demands

Bild: Emma-Archiv © Monika Neuser

Women's Lib: Debates and Demands

It started with the fight against the abortion law - but how did it continue? Here are the problems feminists made into publicly discussed issues.
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Women's Lib: A Chronicle

Zuschnitt von Frauenferiencamp Femø Bild: EMMA-Archiv, © Christel Wachowski

Women's Lib: A Chronicle

FrauenMediaTurm compiled hundreds of documents that tell the history of feminism in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s. The movement started in 1971 with a big scandal.
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The feminist archive FMT collects books, documents, photographs of the women's liberation movement that started 1971 in Germany as well as the women right's movement in the 19th century up to 1933.


It's mission is to secure and convey the history of women's emancipation in Germany - a  place of living memory of women, shaping their future. 


We are open to the public Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Every fourth Wednesday of the month there's a guided tour at 5 p.m. Please contact us to schedule your visit in advance.


We look forward to seeing you.


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FrauenMediaTurm resides at Bayenturm

Feminist Debates and Demands

Abortion – a Legal Right? Feminists Vs. All

Demonstration gegen den Paragraphen 218 in Aachen, 1986, Copyright: FMT (Signatur: FT.02.089)

Abortion – a Legal Right? Feminists Vs. All

The struggle for abortion rights sparked the emergence of the Women's Liberation Movement in West Germany 1971. › mehr

Pornography - Sexual Desire Vs. Sexualised Misogyny

Sticker PorNO Campaign of feminist magazine EMMA

Pornography - Sexual Desire Vs. Sexualised Misogyny

The feminist debate about pornography was divided: Some considered it unproblematic, but most opposed it as verbal and visual sexual violence. › mehr

Prostitution - A 'Job Like Any Other'?

Ausschnitt aus Fotoprojekt, Copyright: Bettina Flitner

Prostitution - A 'Job Like Any Other'?

For some, it is “the oldest trade in the world” – for others, a violation of human dignity and 'white slavery'. › mehr

Women Who Work: Housework and Claim for Equal Pay

Ausschnitt aus Flugblatt aus FMT-Pressedokumentation, Quelle: FMT (Signatur: PD-AR.10.01)

Women Who Work: Housework and Claim for Equal Pay

When the women’s movement started, housework was still by law a woman’s job. Feminists fought successfully for the abolition of this law. › mehr

Library Catalogue


Library Catalogue

Our library and archive catalogue with approximately 60,000 references. › mehr

Visual Archive

Bundesfrauenkongress, Quelle: EMMA-Archiv, © Inge Werth

Visual Archive

Our visual archive is unique, it provides over 8.000 pictures of female personalities and important events - in history and today. Pictures shape our perspective on the world as much as the written word. We collect pictures with a "different view", a feminist view. › mehr

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